One afternoon last week I was changing Madison's diaper and Kaden was roaming around the house like he usually does. As I finished I was heading towards my designated "nursing" spot and I called for him to see where he was. I didn't hear any answer or noise at all, which is quite uncommon for Kaden (he is rarely silent)! So I called for him again, still no answer. At this point I started looking around the house for him. Not in the living room, not in the kitchen, not in the bedrooms, and all bathroom doors were already shut off to him. The front and back door were also closed and locked. Where the heck did he go?? I started to get a little panicky at this point because I could NOT find him. Finally, I looked in my bedroom again and as I turned around to walk out the door this is what I saw...He was hiding from me!!! Can you believe it!! He started to giggle and popped out of the closet door. I always seem to underestimate what he can comprehend! It was the cutest thing I've ever seen! Knowing where he was, I headed into the living room. I called for him to follow and of course he stayed in my room. When I didn't go to get him again he started to make noises. Low and behold he was hiding yet again. Kaden has figured out all on his own how to play "Hide and Seek", and he loves it! I have since found him hiding in the same spot waiting for me to discover him and letting me know if I'm taking too long! It never gets old and is just as funny as the first time he did it. Kaden is so much fun to play with!! That was my cute story for you!! Now for some fun pics!
CHEESE!!!!!! (Modeling his snow attire from Justin and Andrea, minus the pj's of course!)
Never too early right!?!
Kaden loves to play in the yard, and equally loves playing with his aunt Jamie. She is always willing to come over and play to relieve me for a bit!! We LOVE Jamie!!
I LOVE dirt! It is so yummy!
Now for the Pretty Princess...
Maddy is growing so fast. She is awake and alert a lot more now. She is really able to see you now and loves to coo and kick her little legs around. Also, the most gratifying thing is that she smiles at you. You can actually make her smile and giggle a bit. She has the sweetest temperament and LOVES to be snuggled and held, which makes it hard as I chase Kaden around. Thank goodness for the Baby Bjorn, it is a life saver. She almost lives in that thing during the day! What ever works I guess! All I know is that she is going to be the toughest chick around, so watch out!! She has a very loving big brother that unfortunately is still learning. For example the other day she was peacefully chillin' in her swing and "Brutis" (Kaden's nickname these days) comes up and full on smacks her, his whole hand covering her sweet little face!! Poor Maddy!! Like I said, tough as nails that girl will be!! We are really enjoying the two of them and all of the joyous moments and challenges that they bring to our lives. Had you told us a couple of years ago that we would have two kids in thirteen months I would have called you crazy. Some days it is crazy! However, I know that there is no where I would rather be in life than a mother to the most beautiful children. Heavenly Father sure does work in mysterious ways sometimes. I feel so blessed nonetheless, and try to remember that when times seem tough. Motherhood, or parenthood, for that matter is definitely a divine calling! Ok ok, I'll let you enjoy some pics now!
Hello world!!
Mommy and her baby girl!Now that is deep sleep!! Sorry daddy, puddle of drool guaranteed!!
Grandma and Maddy
Maddy and RyRy
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Hide and Seek!
Posted by The Bishops at 11:51 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Play Date Galore!
It has been such an eventful week, a week of play dates!! We were at Eric and Harmony's house on Monday and Thursday with all four babies! Pure Chaos!!!! Andrea and McKenna came over on Wednesday and Friday so that Kaden and McKenna could keep each other company and play together. A play date for the mommies too! Then today Eric, Harmony, and my mom came up from Carlsbad for the day. Justin, Andrea, and McKenna joined later on this evening, which also totaled four babies at our house. Grandma and Grandpa Bishop and Jamie also joined the party for a bit. Lots of fun visitors! Now we look forward to having Sunday and Monday to spend with our daddy (aka Bryce!!) How fortunate we are to be so close to our families and to have a mom that technically resides further away, but it always so willing to live out of her suitcase as she bounces from house to house rendering her babysitting services!! It is great to be able to have all of our kids together to play so frequently. It's so cute so see that Kaden actually knows and recognizes all of his cousins when they come over. He is always so excited and full of hugs and kisses when they are around! What a great week, I feel so blessed! Of course with all of the play dates brings many photo shoots! Thank goodness for digital cameras!
The proudest grandparents around!! They became grandparents of four beautiful babies within 15 months!! When it rains it pours babies!!
Felicity your up next!
Grammy is in heaven!!!
The first of many matching outfit pictures in their lives! Sweet little angels!!
Kaden's favorite playmates! Good thing he has his daddy to wrestle with after playing with all of these girls! He loves his cousins!
Last, but definitely not least, Daddy and his little princess!
Posted by The Bishops at 10:40 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy!!
I want to apologize for not updating our blog for a whole month!! As you can imagine there has not been very many free moments in our household lately! So although laundry needs to be done as well as dishes and picking up the house, our blog is my priority! There has been so many great events to blog about in the past month but I will just highlight so this won't be 12 pages long! So we are all adjusting to our new family of four! I am slowly but surely figuring out how to balance the kid's schedules while still trying to run errands and not feel like a hermit. It is important to me to take a shower and get ready everyday (even if it is not until 2pm) as well as have at least one outing a day. If not, Kaden and I both get cabin fever and it makes for a long fussy day. All in all, I'd have to say that somehow I am managing pretty well. Some days are better than others, but I have been blessed with some extra patience that I definitely didn't have months ago.
Maddy is as cute as ever and is a great baby. She finally got her days and nights straightened out and now tends to have her big sleep stretches mid-day and during the night. Around dinner time has been challenging in that Kaden is starting to get tired and hungry and Maddy just wants to be held and have my utmost attention. Those are the times that I wish I had eight arms! Now for the rest of the events of December:
1. Had our very own Christmas morning as a family! Awesome!!
2. Spent time with both sides of the family for Christmas
3. Talked to our brothers on missions (Justin and Kris)
4. Spent time with my Dad, who was home from Africa. We miss him!!
5. Sold our funky couch and dirt bike!!! Yeah!!! What a blessing!
6. Skye Alyse was born! (our new niece) Adorable!
7. Maddy turned 1 month old!
Now that I have highlighted the past month, of course the best part is pictures of them all!!
Pictures with Santa:
Our little family of four!
Sold!!! Hooray!!!
Sweet little Skye Alyse was born on January 4th. She was 6 lbs 4 oz, 19.5 oz long. She is sooo adorable!! Madison is pretty jealous of all that hair, someday she'll be able to wear bows! Eric and Harmony are both doing well. They are quickly learning the ropes of parenthood and seem to be naturals!!
And finally...some new pictures of Madison
This is what I look like after Kaden blows me a kiss "MUAH"!!!! (it is always very startling!!)
This is the best way to sleep, with your hiney in the air! You should try it!
When you ask Kaden to smile, this is what you get! What a cheese ball!!!
Posted by The Bishops at 12:19 AM 3 comments